Time to still our thoughts. To notice our breathing, in and out.
We will be careful and take all precautions, but we will not allow a pandemic to convince us that breath is anything other than sacred.
Breathe in and out. As we say Yahweh. In and out. Yahweh.
Breath is the life of us. Yahweh.

We pray.

O God, for the sake of ourselves, our loved ones and the whole world – we claim time for peace. To be aware of your presence.
Love enfolding us.
Power that protects us.
A presence that watches over us.

There are circumstances in which people cannot perceive love.
There are systems that block the fair sharing of power.
People often do not have the space to make decisions and influence how resources are used.
They feel exploited and abused. The language we use can hide the brutal reality of hurt.
Life’s basics and opportunities for more are not shared justly.
We know that in an abundant world, babies, children and adults cry out in pain and despair.

We acknowledge injustices we are seeing in our community and the world. [Pause]

Help us not to hide from the truth you are urging us to see, o God.
Hearts open, let us learn and act in love.

We acknowledge, God, this involves inner work. For the change we want to see in the world begins within and extends outwards. Even though we think we are ordinary or tired or unskilled.

We will be open anew to inspiration, understanding that energy is our renewable resource and that there are infinite ways to use it. We must each of us find our way. Together.

Help us not to keep our insights within. To let them be challenged, shared and available to the world as that gift of you we are, in grace, revealing. May it be so. Amen.