Service for 24 May 2020 - Auckland Methodist Central Parish
This is a "Virtual Order of Service". At the end of each page, click Next to proceed to the next section:
Easter 7 - Wesley Day
You are invited to follow this "service" in your own time. You may wish to experience everything in the order it is presented, or take parts of it as suits you. Sound and video clips are embedded: Click on the player to listen/watch. Sing along if you wish!
Please note the survey link at the end of this service - as new things become possible we'd like to know what you think. Touch here to go to the survey now.
Welcome - Rev Ian Faulkner
Introit - "This is the Day" by Ron Dellow
This was recorded by the Pitt St Methodist Choir in (we think) the late 1970s, conducted by the composer. The recording (on cassette tape) has recently been "unearthed" and digitised.
Hymn - Great and deep the Spirit’s purpose
Great and deep the Spirit’s purpose, Great and deep the Spirit’s purpose, Great and deep the Spirit’s purpose: Great and deep the Spirit’s purpose, |
Marnie Barrell
Opening Sentences
As a workman gathers his tools -
As a poet gathers her images -
As a musician gathers his band -
As a scholar gathers her arguments -
As a writer gathers his stories -
As a preacher gathers her texts -
So God gathers people for service.
We come together in our ordinary, homely, sacred places once more.
May we continue to create in our homes a circle of love that’s ever expanding and ever growing. These will be places of wisdom, places of connection, and places of hope.
Creator God, spinner, weaver of our lives, your loom is love.
May we who gather remotely this morning be empowered by that love to weave new patterns of truth and justice into a web of life that is strong, beautiful, and everlasting.
Acknowledgement: Rex Hunt Liturgies for 24 May 2020.