Worship Activities for Sunday, 5 September 2021 - Pitt St Virtual Church
We've done things differently this week, a worship resource was distributed via email and then we met over our virtual cuppa. The activities are listed below - you are invited to follow this "service" in your own time. You may wish to experience everything in the order it is presented, or take parts of it as suits you.
Worship Activities Plan for 5 September 2021
Welcome and Introduction – Placing today’s Worship Activities in Order, including an invitation to consider a contemporary view of Mark 7: 24 – 30
(Perhaps it would be useful to reacquaint yourself with the passage prior to commencing this segment.
To read the text of this Bible passage online, you may click here. (NRSV)
Rev Ian Faulkner video. [6:50 mins]
Today is Fathers’ Day. A prayer for fathers. [3:12 mins]
Rev Ian Faulkner video
The link is: https://vimeo.com/596222776/01cbf07d05
Hymn: The traditional Methodist Hymn. [4:12 mins]
Charles Wesley, 1739 – reputedly on the anniversary of his Aldersgate Street experience
A virtual choir signing: ‘O for a thousand tongues to sing’.
(Note this video is hosted on an external website (Youtube) and Pitt St Church and the Auckland Methodist Central Parish does not have any control over links of advertising that may appear.)
The link is: https://youtu.be/hzfPeaUh4jQ
Climate Change Lamentation – posted by the Pacific Conference of Churches [7:08 mins]
Composed by Archbishop Peter Loy Chong, RC Archbishop of Suva
for the first Sunday of the Seasons of Creation 2021
The link is: https://fb.watch/7KwXbEJMUJ/
Recall Tuesday’s Evening Prayer [10:45 mins]
Rev Kathryn Walters - Superintendent Nelson, West Coast and Central South Island Synods
‘Be kind’
The link is: https://youtu.be/QksuD5Z0oC4
Musical Postlude
Walter Nicholls
The link is:
Invitation to Virtual Morning Tea
To check in with each other, reflect on today’s worship activities, and plan for the next week and our activities for Sunday 12 September.
The "Virtual morning tea" is now over for this week!