Service for 30 August 2020 - Auckland Methodist Central Parish
This is a "Virtual Order of Service". At the end of each page, click Next to proceed to the next section:
You are invited to follow this "service" in your own time. You may wish to experience everything in the order it is presented, or take parts of it as suits you. Sound and video clips are embedded: Click on the player to listen/watch. Sing along if you wish!
The worship leader for this service is Dr. Greg Morgan, a lay preacher in the Pitt St Morning Congregration.
Sunset in a Japanese Garden Fay Foster (1886–1960) arr. H.J. Stewart
A word of welcome - Greg Morgan
Nau mai, haere mai e te whānau.
Thank you for being open to worship and connection even though we are in different places and taking part at different times. Think how this is stretching church – right into our lives at home, throughout the day or beyond Sunday.
I don’t imagine any of us believes that God is locked up in just church buildings or one faith tradition. Now see! The church is again brought to meet the Spirit in each of us. For there is limitless God: where we are, wherever others are. Take some time for yourself now. Remember that we are thinking of you and that we all appreciate being thought about.
Let us accept the blessing already given to us.
In life itself.
Let us remember that blessing is not exclusive. God blesses all creation just by being God, the realm of all that is and of possibilities unfolding.
Namaste: Spirit in me meets Spirit in you.