An act of awareness

Spring … it is a time of revelation:
the revealing of that which is eternal,
which we see every year,
but still need to be reminded to see it in a new way.

There is also a revelation of that which is new.
Every spring we encounter something never before seen.
It is in that very newness which embodies hope and potential
for the wholeness yet to be.

Hymn - Let Justice Roll Down

Let justice roll down like a river, 
let justice roll down like a sea, 
let justice roll down like a river, 
let justice begin through me. 
Justice for all who go hungry, 
crying to God to be fed, 
left in a world of abundance 
to beg for a morsel of bread.

Let justice roll down like a river, 
let justice roll down like a sea, 
let justice roll down like a river, 
let justice begin through me. 
Justice for all who are homeless, 
victims of warfare or need, 
trapped on the borders of no-where, 
lost in the canyons of greed.

Let justice roll down like a river, 
let justice roll down like a sea, 
let justice roll down like a river, 
let justice begin through me. 
Justice for all who are powerless, 
yearning for freedom in vain, 
plundered, and robbed of their birth-right, 
silently bearing their pain.

Let justice roll down like a river,
let justice roll down like a sea,
let justice roll down like a river,
let justice begin through me.

Colin Gibson (1994)
Alleluia Aotearoa #85


Sharing of the peace

Regularly in our services we have a time to share the Peace, to say to others in the Church, “the Peace of Christ be with you”. Today we invite you to contact someone outside of your bubble and greet them with a “Wishing you the blessings of Sunday. The Peace of Christ be with you.”