
Take a moment to acknowledge some of the ways in which we know that giving for the benefit of others is active in the world. In ourselves or our families, in our community during this time of pandemic and other stresses, across the world. Reflect for a moment and then pray simply:


‘Divine Love, through me, blesses and multiplies all that I give and all that I receive. Amen.’


Do we sometimes behave as though prayer will talk God into doing something? Is that even possible? Or is it the job of prayer to change us? Making us aware, receptive and active….

 We pray:

 Dear God, Creator of the earth, this sacred home we share;

Give us new eyes to see the beauty all around and to protect the wonders of creation.

Give us new arms to embrace the strangers among us and to know them as family.

Give us new ears to hear and understand those who live off the land

and to hear and understand those who extract its resources.

Give us new hearts to recognize the brokenness in our communities

and to heal the wounds we have inflicted.

Give us new hands to serve the earth and its people

and to shape beloved community.

For you are the One who seeks the lost,

binds our wounds and sets us free,

and it is in the name of Jesus the Christ we pray. Amen.

 --The Rt. Rev. Carol Gallagher, Cherokee. Prayer offered at the House of Bishops Fall 2017 Gathering in Fairbanks, Alaska.