In short:

Insert templates for header and footer.

In the empty artcle, choose from the tool bar  - Content Template -> Virtual Service standard header

Change the  TODO text for the date

Do the same with Virtual Service standard footer - again , change the TODOs

Paste in the order of service

 Take the OOS source document, copy and  PASTE AS TEXT

I can't stress the paste as text enough.  Joomla can paste rich text contYou are up for a world of grief getting the formatting consistent if you don't.  Of course you're also in for grief duplicating formatting - the biggest bugbear is line-breaks vs paragraph-breaks.

Anyway - go to Word, or Libreoffice, or whatever you use, select all contant, and Copy.

Then go to the article.,  and ...

If you're a keyboard person, I've done ok with the key combination Shift+Ctrl+V  to paste as text

Or if you're a mouse/menu person,  select "Paste as Text" from the Joomla edit menu:


Make all headings Heading 3

Do this by sitting on the line of the text and selecting from the formatting toolbar - Paragraph -> heading 3:

This is one place where you may find that line-break  vs paragraph-break problem  and a whole block will turn blue.  If this happens you'll need to ensure the heading line ends with a paragraph break.

Enter - inserts a paragraph  break;   Shift-Enter - inserts a line break (which does not create a new paragraph)

Sometimes I find the opposite, especially when editing hymns. - I have to take the paragraph breaks out or it spaces funny.

If you need to set a paragraph back to normal text (and "Undo" doesn't do it for you) then chances are you just want  Paragraph -> Paragraph

Format the hymns

insert template to get the table right.  - toobar.  Content Template- >Hymn

Then copy and paste the words,  tune name etc.

If you have an audio clip to insert, then see separate instructions for that.

 -- instructions from here on still a bit sketchy --

Add audio clips, video clips, and images

 Audio clips  must be placed in audio/ folder under Media

 separate article- link needed

 Images - I recommend putting in 2020/05  or 2020/06 folder


When nearing the end

 - Add page breaks.