For those maintaining the system

Go to  (note this URL may change if we get access to the domain)

Enter your username and password

Next screenshots will show what I see as the administrator - you may have fewer options.

The main links you're going to need however are

Articles,  Menus, Modules - and probably Media.  All these are in the section at left.  And on the menu

Where to find

Left-hand menu
(on control panel
Top menu Why you want to use it
Articles Content -> Articles Maintaining articles (services, tutorials)
New Article Content -> Articles ->New Article Creating a new article - you can also do that from the Articles page with the big New button:
Media Content -> Media Uploading images and audio clips  (but not video - we're using Vimeo for that)
You can also upload images direct into the article, but just be aware that the media manager exists here too.
Menus Menus -> Manage
or Menus ->Main Menu
You only need to manage items on the Main menu, for services etc.
Modules Extensions -> Modules For managing the 'our next service' button.