Our Preparation for worship

We wait in silence for a time.
We are assured that God is present with us.
We open our hearts to acknowledge the God
that dwells within each of us.
We hope in God, and trust this truth:
God’s love and grace are ours.
God is present here with us!

Rev. Ian Faulkner

Introit - Be Still and know that I am God

Ivan and Anne Blythe

Act of Awareness

May the atmosphere we breathe
breathe fearlesness into us:
fearlessness on earth
and fearlessness in heaven!
May fearlessness guard us
behind and before!
May fearlessness surround us
above and below!
May we be without fear
of friend or foe!
May we be without fear
by night and day!
Let all the world be my friend!

Rev. Ian Faulkner

Bible Reading - Exodus 1:8 - 2:10

Read by Ronnie Matafeo. To read the text of this Bible passage online, you may click here.  (NRSV)

Hymn - Come, Teach us, Spirit of God

Come, teach us, Spirit of our God,
The language of your way,
The lessons that we need to live,
The faith for every day.

Excite our minds to follow you,
To trace new truths in store,
New flight paths for our spirit space,
New marvels to explore.

Engage our wits to dance with you,
To leap from logic’s base,
To capture insight on the wing,
To sense your cosmic grace.

Inspire our spark to light from you,
To catch creation’s flair,
New artistry to celebrate,
New harmonies to dare.

Delight our hearts to worship you,
To learn compassion’s code
To live in context of your love,
Great Teacher who is God.

(recording plays once through the tune as an introduction)

Shirley Erena Murray
Faith Forever Singing #11

Tune EDUCARE: Colin Gibson