Bible Reading - Matthew 16:13-20

Read by Ryan Nicholls. To read the text of this Bible passage online, you may click here.  (NRSV)

Response to the Word - An affirmation of Faith

From all the corners of the world:
God has called a pilgrim people.

From all walks of life:
God has called a pilgrim people.

People regardless of ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation or any other human identifier:
We are all signs of God’s division.
We are signs of God’s new creation joined together by love.

So let us not journey alone with God.
So let us not journey only with our friends.

Let us create a space that welcomes all people:
Signs of God’s all embracing love.

Read by Eric & Helen Laurenson



We sharing the Peace

Regularly in our services we have a time to share the Peace, to say to others in the Church, “the Peace of Christ be with you”. Today we invite you to contact someone outside of your bubble and greet them with a “Wishing you the blessings of Sunday. The Peace of Christ be with you.”