We respond in faith, to nurture community



 We believe in God,

who in every age has called women and men

to journey on an unknown path,

towards a destination fraught with promise.


We believe in Jesus as the Christ,

who once for all revealed the cost of travelling on this path,

and who lived and died an open invitation

to follow in his Way.


We believe in the Spirit of Christ,

who in every moment brings us into company

with those who will shed light on our journey

and be our present help in times of trouble.

David Bromell


 Uniting Church youth group in South Choiseul



THE LORDS PRAYER (Please pray this in your chosen language)


HYMN   Called as partners in Christ’s service  

Words: Jane Parker Huber       Tune: Blaenwern (H&P 267i), Beecher (UMH 384)

  1. Called as partners in Christ’s service,

called to ministries of grace,

we respond with deep commitment

fresh new lines of faith to trace.

May we learn the art of sharing,

side by side and friend with friend,

equal partners in our caring

to fulfil God’s chosen end.


  1. Christ’s example, Christ’s inspiring,

Christ’s clear call to work and worth,

let us follow, never faltering,

reconciling folk on earth.

Men and women, richer, poorer,

all God’s people, young and old,

blending human skills together

gracious gifts from God unfold.


  1. Thus new patterns for Christ’s mission,

in a small or global sense,

help us bear each other’s burdens,

breaking down each wall or fence.

Words of comfort, words of vision,

words of challenge, said with care,

bring new power and strength for action

make us colleagues, free and fair.


  1. So God grant us for tomorrow

ways to order human life

then surround each person’s sorrow

with a calm that conquers strife.

Make us partners in our living,

our compassion to increase,

messengers of faith, thus giving

hope and confidence and peace.