Music of reflection (1)             I love to tell the story


I love to tell the story                                      I love to tell the story;
of unseen things above,                                  the story changes things!
of Jesus and his glory,                                     It challenges the powers;
of Jesus and his love.                                      It whispers, thunders, sings!
I love to tell the story                                      It births the holy presence
because I know it's true;                                 in moments of surprise,
it satisfies my longings                                    it heals, empowers and strengthens,
as nothing else can do.                                   and opens ears and eyes!


I love to tell the story.                                     I love to tell the story,
'Twill be my theme in glory                            of Jesus and his glory,
to tell the old, old story,                                 because it is God’s story,
of Jesus and his love.                                      of justice, love and peace.

(Catherine Hankey, 1866)                                       ( Dennis Dewey 1993)