Hymn – You have given us so much

Source of life, our great Creator,
you have given us so much:
time and talents, love and laughter,
sight and sound and scent and touch.
Help us not to waste your bounty
in our petty worldly ways:
teach us how to use it wisely,
to your glory and your praise.

Show us how to take our talents,
whether they be great or small:
and to use them for your purpose,
or to use them not at all.
May we treasure what you give us,
build on it to make us strong:
never squander your wise birthright
on the things we know are wrong.

Help us not to miss the moments
when we could be kind and true:
for our time on earth is finite
and to serve is loving you.
May we live each day more fully,
seeking you in word and prayer:
and in life or death, we ask, Lord,
may we find your loving care.

Jan Chamberlin
Used with permission
CCLI 110047

Organist: Walter Nicholls (recorded at home)



Parting Words & Blessing

Let us go in faith to ponder in our hearts
the mystery and the wonder of this season...

We are called to join the adventure of living a passionate life.
So may we be carried past the boundaries
and near horizons of our life’s small dreams.

Creativity God be with us all on the smooth paths;
companion Jesus be with us in the stormy times;
awakening Spirit be with us at all times.

Amen. May it be so!