Welcome & Call to Worship - Rev. Tony Franklin-Ross

You call to us Lord,
and in worship we answer.
We wrestle with life and love, with faith and doubt,
and in worship you answer.

Since you first walked that road
countless millions have followed you.
In all that we do as your disciples,
save us from false familiarity with your journey.
May we never presume to step into your shoes,
but make us small enough to fit in our own,
and to walk in love and wonder behind you.


(Iona Community)

Opening Prayer

Spirit of the living God, partner on our Lenten journey,
give us the courage to explore the sacred places of our being,
to walk the road less travelled,
to listen and acknowledge messages from our hearts.
Grace us to holy action in thought and speech.
Shepherd us by quiet waters, feed us in green pastures.
Creator of light, on rough seas, in lockdowns, and in desolate places,
hold us in the palm of your hand.
Ground us and enfold us in holy mystery.
Give us warmth of your embrace so that we may know
that you encircle and hold us in your love forever. Amen.

(Gail Corbett (alt.), Gathering)