We respond by nurturing community
Prayers for others - by Norman Marange
Open our minds, Christ,
So that we think beyond ourselves,
And spare a thought for those less fortunate.
Open our hearts, Christ,
So that we have compassion for those who come to mind,
When we think about those who suffer in the world,
Open our voices, Christ,
So that we join in your call for justice
And speak up for those whose lives are downtrodden by poverty and affliction.
Open our hands, Christ,
So that we find ways to serve the needs of others,
Having thought about those who deserve compassion.
Open us, Christ,
So that we follow in your way,
And give all in response to your call to love others.
Open and grow our faith, Christ,
So that we are compelled beyond naïve belief,
And narrow, self-focused religion.
Open our lives, Christ,
So that we are saved from being ourselves and be connected with life eternal,
And work with you in your work of redemption and re-creation.
In your Holy name we pray.
We continue our journey in God’s world
Hymn - Community of Christ
1. Community of Christ, 2. Community of Christ, 3. Community of Christ, 4. Community of Christ, |
Words: Shirley Murray